That day was my birthday.My parents were here. I drove back from KL with my dad in my left and my mom was sleeping at the back. I was driving with the music off and suddenly my dad was whistling a happy birthday song! without say any greetings, any wishes, or anything! I was surprised and smiled. and I didn't say anything neither to him.
actually I whispered "trimakasihhhh ayaahh" in my mind, but I really want to say it directly but my tongue was stopping. Why?! Should I have that high of prestige?!
absolutely not!
im sorry pap!. thanks for the song. thanks for the present. thanks for that moment.thanks for being here in that day!
iya..hehe..kenapa ya?
gengsi banget ya kita jadi anak ya..
i feel the same thing though..always keep that word in mouth..but honestly, i really want to spit it out!!huhu..
tapi kmaren nyokap gw bilang "i love u mom"..di sms kmajuan tuh..
adduhh..ama orang tua aja jaga gengsi ya!smoga aja gengsi ini bisa kita ilangin sebelum semua terlambat ya..=)
not even a smile V?
oOoOo..lupa..kamu kan tgh drive. hikhik
ahahaa..smuanya jg gt rupanya..
gw juga bilang hal2 gt sdikit malu apa gengsi ga tw..heuhee..
anyway, happy b'day for us !
riko : hmm klo tertulis emang lbh gampang buat dilakukan, gw jg prnah soalny hehehe iya salah bgt yah gengsi sm orngtua!
nol : smile lah dikit2 :P
brmski : gengsi deh kykny itu! lgan klo lo mah mang bknny ga prnah ngomong y sm ortu?heuhuehe yaaaa slmt ulngtaun jg!inget umur
widiiiiiiih so sweet ya papi kamu
mang gengsi kita tinggi kali ya cah!
ds aja mo bilang kangen susah nya minta ampuuuuuuun :D
ih ga nyangka si abg bilang "i love u mom" knp ga "we love u".. ckckck
iyaa boociilll...susah sekali .yaahhh..ayo kita hrus nyoba tau..biar ntar anak kita sering ngomong kangen jg heuehueh
hahaha nahloh nahloh si abg nya mo jd anak ksayangan tuu :P
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